Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Outline Of First Term Paper

Physics in “Afro Samurai”

1. Introduction – Samurai can bend rules in normal circumstances
a. Main characters always have a way of bending the laws of physics
b. Imaginary friends are capable of anything
c. Rules are bent to make effects look cool
d. Thesis

2. Main Characters always have a way of bending the laws of physics
a. Afro samurai always seems to be able to out run anything that comes his way
b. He can jump high and move around in the air as if he were on the ground
i. afro jumps in the air and a random baddy points a crossbow at him and shoots a bunch of arrows at him and he moves around in the air dodging them
ii. afro fights a copy of himself and they go up in the air and the copy shoots things out of his mouth at afro and he dodges them and then ends up cutting him down on the way to the ground.
c. He can dodge bullets and swords but even cut through them as if they were butter
i. Afro cuts bullets into pieces and then they still keep going at he cuts them and they kill other people around him
ii. Afro gets a missile launched at him and he cuts it in half while stumbling forward

3. Rules are bent to make effects look cool
a. one of the bad guys jumps off of a cliff to fight afro
b. cutting off limbs with ease
c. jumping high and jumping off of walls

4. Conclusion
a. Summation of points
b. Restate thesis

i forgot to add in the imaginary friend part so here it is

3. Imaginary friends are capable of anything
a. Ninja Ninja can jump high and sit on tree limbs with ease
b. He can just appear anywhere what he wants
c. He even saved afro from being cut by jumping in front of the blade of another samurai

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